Как узнать ip адрес Linux | Losst

How To Know Your Ip On The Local Network

Как узнать свой локальный или внутренний IP адресIf you need to connect to a local computer for remote control, copy something on a local network or just play with friends, you need to know your local or internal IP address.

IP The local or internal network address is different from the IP address on the Internet. Local networks use private IP addresses from ranges, and One of them will also have your IP address.

The following are two simple options that do not require additional programmes to be launched.Как узнать свой локальный или внутренний IP адрес It is recommended to use the first as the simplest, but the second may be useful to inexperienced users who are not familiar with the command line.

How to know your local IP address through the command line

The simplest and shortest way, which, however, can scare those who don't know the command line.

How to know your internal IP through the control panel

This method is longer than the previous, since the stars will need to pass through the heart of a friendly Windows. Starting better in the field of notifications, it'll be shorter.

Как узнать свой локальный или внутренний IP адрес Как узнать свой локальный или внутренний IP адрес Как узнать свой локальный или внутренний IP адрес Как узнать свой локальный или внутренний IP адрес