How To Connect The Local Network
On computers, turn off wireless adapters (if you want). If computers contain wireless adapters, turn them off before they start connecting computers. So you avoid online conflicts.
- In the search line for the menu Puske, bring ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
- Push the right button of the mice on the wireless connection and select the " cut off " in the menu.
Connect the computers with Ethernet cable. In the case of new computers, use standard Ethernet cable, as a network adapter automatically determines that a network is being created between two computers. If you have old computers, use the cross cable, which is standard Ethernet cable, but one box will turn over.
Get over to the computer that's gonna be ready for general access. Files can be exchanged between both computers, but general access is easier to build on the most modern computer.
Squeeze the right button of mouse on the network connection badge in the system track. In the menu, select the Network Management and General Access Centre.
Slick on the referenceLocal network connectivityclose to the Unidentified Network. The parameters of the new connection between the two computers are open.
Press your own. Pick up the Internet version 4 and press the Army.
Put a flash drive at the IP address. So you can hand-written the IP address.
IP address. Because you don't connect to the Internet, IP address can be anything. For example, the following IP address could be introduced:
Press Tab to automatically install the mask. Press OK.
Go to the second computer. Open the Network Management and General Access Centre.
Introduce the IP address with another last number. Since you introduced on the first computer, inject
Press Tab to automatically install the mask. Press OK. A local network has now been established between the two computers.
Get over to the computer that's gonna be ready for general access. Find a file, a folder or a disk to which general access will be available.
Squeeze the right button of mouse on the site, which will be open for general access, and press the Army. Move to the " Access " deposit.