How To Connect To The Home Group
Removal of home-based groups
Any problems in establishing or joining a domestic group? Check that all the following conditions are met:
O The home network should be selected as a web site
Open the website of the Network Management and General Access Centre (Network and Sharing center). If the Examination of Active Networks (View your active networks) displays the Enterprise Network (Work network) or the Public Network (Public network), then click on this reference and select the option Home network (Home network). If several networks are listed in this section, home groups will also not work. More specifically, Chapter 6.
Oh, turn online
On the management counter, open the website of the Network Management and Common Access Centre (Network and Sharing center), lick on the reference the House Group and Common Access Parameters (Choose homegroup and sharing options), and then on the reference the change in additional general access parameters (Change advanced sharing settings). Install switches to include online detection (Turn on Network Discovery) and include general access to files and printers (Turn on file and printer sharing), then press Save changes (Save changes). Details on this page are under " General access to the folder " .
Since you've opened this page, make sure all computers in the home team have the same connection parameters.