Create A Home Group
Modern wireless technology has now enabled private groups to be established, combining several computers into one network. This does not require special costs as well as deep knowledge. Even a newcomer can handle it. Despite the widespread and widespread use of wireless access points, many ask how to create a home WiFi network?
Everyone knows how to use this connection, but not everyone knows how to organize a private group. To understand how it's done, let's figure out what WiFi technology is and how it works. It's the basis for a wireless private WiFi network.
What's a WiFi network
How'd you know, WiFi is a reduction from Wireless Fidelity? What in the pre-conditional translation means " Sustainability " . In fact, it is a certain broadband standard that is necessary to merge several PKs with one private group, Wireless LAN.
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This technology removes network organizers from cabling. The speed of data transmission does not deviate the cable Internet. In addition to the convenience, this technology has a significant cost savings, as the Internet cables have a high cost.
As you've figured out, WiFi is a few computers that are merged into one group with this technology. In other words, not using a wire connection.
The main advantage is that the creation of a home WiFi networks does not require specific knowledge and costs. The access point (or the usual router) has a relatively low cost, which is fully accessible to everyone.
Such groups are relevant if there are several devices in the apartment equipped with WiFi modules. This allows the exchange of information, files and so on among participants.
As a result of this merger, a local private network of only certain devices is available. Moreover, you are the group administrator and have the opportunity to decide who will be part of the group.
Types of household WiFi networks