Local Network Speed
2. In the open window of the Network Connection (Network Connection), section of the LAN or High-Speed Internet (LAN or High-Speed Internet), click on the local area network connection (Local Area Connection), see Figure. 2.
Rhys. 2
3. In the open window, Connection Status (Local Area) General Slick on the button of Svoice (Properties) - see Figure. 3.
Rhys. 3
4. It opens a window that clicks on the button... (Configure...) you'll move to the velocity of the online fee. Rhys. 4.
This ends with the standard portion of the online fee construction as defined by the Windows XP. Further action will depend on the type of online fee on your computer.
5. The next figure 5 shows, for example, two options for further action to build different types of Internet and Internet network charges in the window and select the network management and general access Opposition Centre, see. Rhys. 6.
Rhys. 6
2. In the window open, the Network Control Centre and general access to the slick of the state, see Rice. 7.
Rhys. 7
3. In the contribution, the General Windows shall be licked on the button of the Square (marked by the red marker on Figure 8). The Windows Vista LO will require authorization to continue further actions - clamp to continue.
Rhys. 8
4. As a result, a local area network access window is the properties in which a type of online fee is installed on your computer in the connection (see Figure 9). Click on the button. Build. ♪ ♪ You'll move to the speed of the online fee.
This ends with the standard portion of the online fee construction as defined by the Windows Vista. Further action will depend on the type of online fee on your computer.
Rhys. 9
5. Figure 10 shows, for example, the option of further action for the construction of the Broadcom NetLink network.
In an extra window deposit Ownership Choose the characteristic Speed constituentDuplex. Note that when the online fee is installed, the speed parameters of SpeedDuplex are only 10 Mbit/s, as shown on Rice. 10. Auto 100 Mbit/s or 1,000 Mbit/s cannot be selected.